Children and Youth
We believe that our children are part of God’s covenant family, learning to love God and follow Jesus as their Saviour and to respond with age-appropriate faith and service. All of our children and youth ministries are led by volunteers from the church who have been screened with Working with Children Checks. We strive to embody the principles of ChildSafe and operate a culture of child safety that children and young people deserve. During our Sunday morning service, a member of the…
Growth Groups
Growth groups exist so that we can feed on God’s word together, and encourage one another in our faith, hope and love, and grow deep friendships in Christ. We have a variety of groups you’d be welcome to consider joining:
The “one anothering” passages of the New Testament make it clear that it really is God’s purpose for us to live in community together, recognising that we are one body and each have different gifts God has given us for the good of the church. We encourage every member to find an avenue to serve God through the church. These include: Hospitality We enjoy a cup of tea or coffee after our Sunday morning service and our hospitality teams serve…
We recognise that Jesus have given us the mission of spreading the good news of the gospel, making disciples of all nations. Mission at Home All of the ministries of our local church look for opportunities to welcome and include people who do not yet know Jesus. Our music team runs special musical outreach events at Easter and Christmas. We lead a children’s program at Mt Magnet about 600km north east of Perth during the September school holidays, alongside the…