Growth Groups

Growth Groups

Growth groups exist so that we can feed on God’s word together, and encourage one another in our faith, hope and love, and grow deep friendships in Christ. We have a variety of groups you’d be welcome to consider joining:

  • A fellowship afternoon at Manoah Hall on Monday afternoons followed by a Bible study led by the Manoah chaplain.
  • Growth groups meeting regularly in various homes throughout the city.
  • A catechism class for high schoolers to help instruct our young people in the rich truths of the Christian faith and to learn to apply the faith to our lives.
  • A group of young mothers who meet together for encouragement.
  • Our Green Team gather fortnightly for practical service and fellowship.
  • Gozzy Youth, our youth group which meets most Friday evenings at the church.
  • Our young adults growth group (post-high school) meets fortnightly on a Monday evening to learn, grow and fellowship together.