The “one anothering” passages of the New Testament make it clear that it really is God’s purpose for us to live in community together, recognising that we are one body and each have different gifts God has given us for the good of the church. We encourage every member to find an avenue to serve God through the church. These include:

We enjoy a cup of tea or coffee after our Sunday morning service and our hospitality teams serve in the kitchen to keep things running smoothly!
Members of our hospitality teams also assist with catering for funeral services and similar.
Practical Help

Often coordinated by our deacons, this includes care for the lonely, those in financial difficulty, meals for those who are sick or have just had a baby.

We have a wide variety of musicians who play skilfully to help us make a joyful noise to the Lord! Instruments used include the piano, guitar, mandolin, oboe, flute, trumpet and percussion! Our musicians also support musical outreach events at Easter and Christmas.
Sound desk and Video team

Our sound desk and video team serve each Lord’s Day to assist our worship. The video team produce the Livestream of our service for those who are unable to attend worship due to poor health and those who are at Manoah in the residential aged care facility.
Children and Youth Ministries

All of our children and youth ministries are led by volunteers from the church who have been screened with Working with Children Checks. We strive to embody the principles of ChildSafe and operate a culture of child safety that children and young people deserve.
The Green Team

Our Green team meet regularly to take care of the church property, as well as providing gardening assistance to members of the congregation who may struggle to be able to do this themselves.
Mowing, pruning, minor repairs and maintenance – the green team can do it all.
Manoah Homes

Established by members of the Christian Reformed Churches of Western Australia in 1981, Manoah Homes is situated several hundred metres from our church building and consists of a 24 independent living units retirement village and a 33 bed residential aged care facility. Many members of our churches belong to the association, serve on the Board. There are also opportunities for volunteer service and encouragement. Our church provides a livestream each Sunday of our morning worship service to residents in Manoah Hostel.