A Freak of Nature and Nurture

A Freak of Nature and Nurture

I read a short article riffing on the theme of bonsai trees this week by Tim Challies this week that I thought you might enjoy. Tim points out that “bonsai trees are otherwise-normal trees that are deliberately kept small. They are obsessively pruned to stunt them and keep them from growing tall or wide… Though they have such potential, their gardener applies constant and deliberate action to keep them from ever reaching it. What a strange thing that a gardener would choose to grow a dwarf in place of a giant.”

Tim’s analogy is that sometimes churches can do something like this to those who attend them; rather than help them grow tall and broad in their faith they keep them low and stunted. But it’s not just churches which can fall into this. Sometimes westunt ourselves, making a profession of faith but content ourselves with scant growth and bare maturity.

Have a read – and commit yourself to a growing, striving, pressing on faith:

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