'Murray Capill' Tagged Posts

Spiritual Seasons

“I grew up in Christchurch where the four seasons are quite distinct. In spring there is new growth everywhere, with cherry blossoms, daffodils and azaleas providing a riot of colour. My childhood memories, possibly now romanticised, are of such springs being followed by long, warm, sunny summers. Then the weather would begin to cool, leading to rich autumn colours and mountains of fallen leaves. Finally, winter would set in, with frosts and rain and evenings in front of the open…

Book Review – The Manual

Al Stewart, The Manual: Getting Masculinity Right. Matthias Media, 2022. 249pp. With issues of gender front and centre of the cultural conversation, the need for clarity on what it means to be a man, and what real masculinity is all about, has never been greater. That there is confusion is without doubt. And the confusion is not confined to the secular world; many Christians and churches struggle to clearly and biblically define what it means to be a man. It is…