'Jacob Crouch' Tagged Posts

Be the Church Member You Want Your Church to Have

“Complaining is easy. It doesn’t take much effort to lean into that fleshly disposition of negativity. An unfortunate reality is that this often creeps into the church. Something, or often someone, doesn’t live up to our standard and we are quick to grumble and find fault. The sermon is too long or too short. The music is too loud or too soft. More nefariously though, there is a tendency to level the criticism at brothers and sisters within the church.”…

I am Not Perfect, But I Will Not Lie about God

In an attempt to be humble, I can be guilty of only speaking of the ways in which I’m not perfect. I don’t want to exalt myself, so I end up downplaying my sanctification and highlighting my imperfections. I am acutely aware of how far short I fall from God’s glory, but if I never speak of God’s grace in my growth, I communicate something untrue about God. I communicate that while God might have saved me from the penalty…

Three Reasons to Greet Someone New (and Someone You Know) at Your Church

There have been many new people joining us as guests at our worship services in recent months. I’ve been encouraged to see many of you speaking with guests afterwards; that’s a really practical expression of love and kindness. It brought to my mind two articles I read recently: Three reasons to Greet Someone You Know at Your Church, and Three reasons to Greet Someone New at Your Church. Both are well worth reading and learning to put into practice. Three reasons to Greet Someone New at…