Getting Organized For the Glory of God

Getting Organized For the Glory of God

Here’s a practical article I read this week about how we need to have a purposeful plan to accomplish the responsibilities God gives us – whether financial giving, evangelism, discipleship, or whatever you can think of. The particular responsibility the author uses as an example is our giving, although the author points out that it can (and should) be applied to all the responsibilities God gives us. I thought it was worth sharing as a reminder of the commitment we made at our AGM last year to increase our giving so that we can see gospel ministry among us and through us advance. On average, that represented a 15% increase in our giving – although obviously some people are able to give a lot more, and others have more limited means. But I thought it worth asking if you’ve given that consideration personally, or if you’ve just continued doing whatever you’ve done (or not done) in the past.

While most churches do set aside money, as a church, to be regularly given toward needs that arise — do you do that as an individual, or as a family? Or do you just assume that giving to the Lord’s work will “happen” whenever the Lord gives you a desire to do so, or provides in some extraordinary way financially? The financial support of Kingdom work to which every Christian is called will not happen unless it is purposefully and regularly practiced in the midst of life’s daily challenges, distractions, and disruptions.

You can read the article here.

I commend it to you for your consideration and reflection.