
We love to share articles from a variety of authors around the world that will help us to grow in our faith by challenging us, encouraging us, and stimulating our thinking.

Spiritual Seasons

“I grew up in Christchurch where the four seasons are quite distinct. In spring there is new growth everywhere, with cherry blossoms, daffodils and azaleas providing a riot of colour. My childhood memories, possibly now romanticised, are of such springs being followed by long, warm, sunny summers. Then the weather would begin to cool, leading to rich autumn colours and mountains of fallen leaves. Finally, winter would set in, with frosts and rain and evenings in front of the open…

Getting Organized For the Glory of God

Here’s a practical article I read this week about how we need to have a purposeful plan to accomplish the responsibilities God gives us – whether financial giving, evangelism, discipleship, or whatever you can think of. The particular responsibility the author uses as an example is our giving, although the author points out that it can (and should) be applied to all the responsibilities God gives us. I thought it was worth sharing as a reminder of the commitment we…

Be the Church Member You Want Your Church to Have

“Complaining is easy. It doesn’t take much effort to lean into that fleshly disposition of negativity. An unfortunate reality is that this often creeps into the church. Something, or often someone, doesn’t live up to our standard and we are quick to grumble and find fault. The sermon is too long or too short. The music is too loud or too soft. More nefariously though, there is a tendency to level the criticism at brothers and sisters within the church.”…

A Freak of Nature and Nurture

I read a short article riffing on the theme of bonsai trees this week by Tim Challies this week that I thought you might enjoy. Tim points out that “bonsai trees are otherwise-normal trees that are deliberately kept small. They are obsessively pruned to stunt them and keep them from growing tall or wide… Though they have such potential, their gardener applies constant and deliberate action to keep them from ever reaching it. What a strange thing that a gardener…

Try to Be More Awkward

I read an article published just yesterday called “Try to Be More Awkward”! The writer descries her church as sometimes being awkward, and it’s one of her favourite things about it! In a nutshell, they embrace the awkwardness you experience when you introduce yourself to someone you think is new to church, only to find they’ve been there for a while and you’ve just forgotten their face or name! It’s a great article because it captures something so true! Sometimes…

The Ones Who Cook

As we continue to reflect on “one anothering” this term, here’s an article I read this week which reflected on which gift of the Holy Spirit, if you were to rank them in order, would come out on top. The answer might not be what you expect, even if it is a little tongue in cheek! I don’t understand all of the cultural references to food in Northern Minnesota, but I get the picture.  So here’s to all who cook!…

Grace from the God Who Guards Your Life

“Where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord—the Lord who guards life. Our help comes from the Lord who protects our lives. Our protector does not sleep, so he is always alert to the times when we need help. Like the lifeguard who grabs the buoy, poised to run into the water, so the Lord stands ready to run to the rescue of his children.” Read more…

I am Not Perfect, But I Will Not Lie about God

In an attempt to be humble, I can be guilty of only speaking of the ways in which I’m not perfect. I don’t want to exalt myself, so I end up downplaying my sanctification and highlighting my imperfections. I am acutely aware of how far short I fall from God’s glory, but if I never speak of God’s grace in my growth, I communicate something untrue about God. I communicate that while God might have saved me from the penalty…

The Weary World Rejoices

I began to listen more closely to versions of traditional carols played during the Christmas season, paying attention to the words rather than just humming along with the familiar melodies. It started with “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” As I listened to it one day while driving alone, the line Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel left me in awe of how God keeps his promises. I kept coming back to that line—and the faithfulness of God—whenever Christmas started…

5 Things at the Heart of a Pastoral Visit

One of the privileges of being involved in pastoral ministry is being able to visit you, whether that is in your home, out for a meal, or in some other place. I read an article a few months ago in which a pastor shared his thoughts on what it might be helpful for you to bear in mind when you receive a pastoral visit (whether from me, one of the elders, or one of your brothers and sisters in Christ).…

Why is Jesus’ birth so important to Christians?

The reality of Christmas is astonishing if you think about it. The God of the universe became a human being. If you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a while, the reality of Christmas and the Incarnation (God becoming human) may not hit you all that hard. The very reason Jesus came was to be born – ultimately to die and give His life as a ransom for many for the forgiveness of sins. The reality of Christmas made this…

Persevere in Praying for Unbelieving Love Ones

Here’s an article I read in the last month called “Persevere in Praying for Unbelieving Loved Ones.” The author shares, Praying for the salvation of a loved one over the course of a lifetime without losing hope is hard work. It takes spiritual muscles that many of us haven’t used. It takes perseverance. We persevere in the hard work of praying for unsaved family members and friends by anchoring our prayers in the truth of Scripture and the character of…